withdraw SACD & DVD-A pages

A sad, yet inevitable, day for those of us who buy and enjoy SACD & DVD-A discs. Online retailer have decided to remove their SACD & DVD-A pages. This decision coincides with their new download shop being launched this week. There's no doubting the business decision behind this, with downloads being a far more profitable marketplace. However, had Play stocked all the discs they had listed, I'd have certainly bought more.
It has been noted that typing in SACD or DVDA into Play's search engine will still yield results and you will still be able to buy these. Maybe they will have a clearance promotion soon ??
So, that leaves places like Amazon to cater for our online needs, and of course the artists themselves.
So I guess that MP3 Surround and other new 5.1 digital file formats will now have to carry the mantle of surround sound music.